keane kor kor & Imummy brought me to meet up with keane kor kor & his mummy..... i was not in good mood that day... that explains why i am not looking at the camera.... blek....
swimming @ the Canopy Club, Setia Eco Park this pic is courtesy of mummy's fren, auntie coey who joined us at the clubhouse... thanks!
me & my coti can really pose nicely for mummy to shoot a pic of me on my cot hor.... hehehe
trapped! to tell you the truth, i don't like to be trapped in this playpen! but Mah Mah said no choice as she feels i am safer to be in the playpen when she got to do housechores....
happy ME!
i am so happy coz i get to dine with Gong Gong & Por Por & many many other ppl... we were at the restaurant to celebrate Yee Yee's 21st birthday!
see-ing is believing!
yup! this is a stunt which i do once a while... so, it is not easy for mummy to capture a pic that shows my feet in my mouth.. hehehe